Aid for Groups in Africa

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Groups Organizations Working in Africa

Focusing on Ikombe & Katangi Divisions in Yatta District, MCDA initially highlighted health, education, food security and youth unemployment. MCDA has now expanded to a lead...

Mamafrica Designs are Fair-trade products that aims to empower and educate women in Bukavu. In a region where 85% of women are unemployed, we believe that creating sustainable...

Like in all of South Africa Meals on wheels aims to find the most desperate cases in need of food assistance and helps them out. The primary goal is food assistance but it is not...

At MindLeaps center in Nyamirambo street children are invited in each week day. There they have a 3 phased programe, which may also include a small meal. In Phase I, street...

Main Services:

Mother Teresas is right in the center of Kigali. At 15 every day they serve food to the poor people who come to ask for food. The serve porridge etc. and on Sundays and...

NUEW is administered by a headquarters office located in Asmara, as well as by regional offices located in all six zones. Membership numbers over 200,000 women. Sources of income...

Through participation in clubs and associations as well as various programs and projects, Never Again Rwanda engages with young people’s intellect and ideas, develops their...

Work in both new and protracted crises across more than 30 countries, where we provide camp management, food assistance, clean water, shelter, legal aid,...

Our key activity is advocacy to ensure the realization of equal rights, opportunities and participation for people with disabilities. Ensuring access to quality and appropriate...

Oxfam helps Rwanda in four main sectors: Paticipatory governance, sustainable livelihoods, gender justice and humantarian intervention & response
