Aid Organization

Makutano Community Development Association (MCDA)

Focusing on Ikombe & Katangi Divisions in Yatta District, MCDA initially highlighted health, education, food security and youth unemployment. MCDA has now expanded to a lead agency in these sectors and now includes WASH in their work. They have proven highly effective in training community members in sanitation, water harvesting and agricultural techniques.

MCDA has a membership base that includes 84 registered community based organizations (CBOs) working across their selected priority areas through activities aimed at upgrading the quality of life of their members.... Read more


No Services listed.


Direct Aid: We provide direct assistance to new individuals (criteria for recipients may apply).

Location: Kenya

Area Aided: Kenya, Eastern Province - Kenya

Year the Charity Started: 1997

Organization Extent: Local - Small (operates in just one country but in 1-3 places)

Religious Affiliation: No Religious Affiliation

Number of Employees: 0

Development Partners: Partner with other organizations or agencies

Other Close Partners:
Concern Universal

Sponsorships: None listed.

Major Donors or Sponsors: Concern Universal


In Kind:

Aid Focus: Development, Agriculture, Community Development, Education & Capacity Building, Food Security, Water & Sanitation, Groups, Youth, Health

Financial Charts

Accounting year: not entered
Financial data not made public.
Financial data not made public.