Aid for Groups in Africa

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Groups Organizations Working in Africa

They have a hospital and help "to improve healthcare in Africa through the training of doctors, healthcare providers, and community activists in all aspects of physical,...

Works in different countries targeting conditions surrounding health in areas which are not receiveing much assistance from other organizations. In Nyaruguru district they...

Hope & Homes is the main organization used by the Government in Rwanda to find foster parents for children or retun them to their families. There are follow-up visits to the...

It seems to be an umbrella organization for artisan cooperatives in Rwanda. They sell products on their website and recive donations, which goes towards teaching the women in the...

Our Rwandan office has opened in 1996, and we have worked essentially on supporting peaceful reintegration and reconciliation, through different ways. We now focus on youth...

They help with various projects to assist children. Mainly with schoolfees.

IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions...

IOM will provide direct assistance to victims through individually tailored emergency assistance or referrals, as part of a cooperation agreement signed with the “4040” free...

Kembujeh School friends has sponsored app. 800 school children i Gambia since 2005. They have supported the additional buildings and initiatives and are currently aiming to build...

Main Services:
