Aid for Groups in Africa

This page aims to show all organizations, which help within this topic. Currently some organizations and other helpful initiatives may be lacking because we need an administrator, to find and help the organizations fill out their personal profile pages.
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Groups Organizations Working in Africa

We are:   Implementing an innovative Education Signature Program to support improved literacy skills for children aged 0-9 in 21 sectors in Gicumbi , 17 sectors in...

Sos Børnebyerne i Danmark støtter især 7 lande: Kenye, Cambodia, Tanzania, Somaliland, Rwanda, Laos og Ethiopien. Det støtter ved at give hjemløse børn hjem med en mor der...

There are four family camps in Rwanda. 

In 2007, Cameroon hosted a total population of refugees and asylum seekers of approximately 97,400. Of these, 49,300 were from the Central African Republic (many driven west by...

A kind of school I think, which helps students somehow

Point Foundation has programmes for the app. 40 children and youths with dissabilities at the Noel Orphanage in Nyundo near Gisenyi, which in recent years has been home...

Through public campaigns and network this local organization aims to make preventing violence against women more of an issue for men.

  Hekps women who are or have been exposed to violence. They help though trauma counseling, life-skills coaching and gender + hunman rights education, helathcare and...

The centre is run by Evode Usbyamahoro , who grew up a street child himself, and his wife Rebecca Ubaka U Rwanda is run by a loving couple, that have taken in streetchildren and...
