Aid for Groups in Africa

This page aims to show all organizations, which help within this topic. Currently some organizations and other helpful initiatives may be lacking because we need an administrator, to find and help the organizations fill out their personal profile pages.
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Groups Organizations Working in Africa

Profile pending

They are open from 7 to 17. Street children can get a meal and some informal education. If they have been attending the center regularly for a year; they may be given a...

Nyamirambo is one of the most densly populated areas in Rwanda. It is difficult for the small children, whose parents are at work or who have no parents to get by. Some of these...

Main Services:

Handicap International ANS works on serveral projects assisting handicapped, disabled, and vulnerable people. They also deal with PTS, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence,...

DINNoedhjaelp is very focused on putting an end to the accusations of witchcraft, particularly those directed at children. These accusations are a growing problem in several...

Agahozo-Shalom youth village is home to app. 500 young people ages 14-21. The youths are orphans or vulnerable people from the entire country. They live in 32 family...

Agape helps with: Child and Youth Protection Legal Aid Services provision Prevention of Gender Based Violence Child marriages and Early Pregnancies HIV/AIDS Control...

Started by two girls, who heeded a calling to help orphaned and exposed children in Rwanda. They currently help 65 kids.
