Human Rights and Justice - Aalborg

Updated on Apr 7, 2016
. Contact the Aalborg group here to add or report missing or wrong information.

In Aalborg you can get legal advice both nationally but also locally. Of course you can always hire a lawyer but there are also some free offers, mostly by students.

Human-Rights Organizations Working in Aalborg

Amnesty International is a global movement of 2.8 million supporters, members and activists in more than 150 countries and territories who campaign for internationally recognized...

We try to create a fun and informative network between asylumseekers, former refugees, danes, International people etc. We also like to help newcommers and solve...

Café Parasollen er alkoholfrit spise- og værested, der giver tilbud om omsorg og samvær, samt at støtte og hjælpe enhver med problemer, som selv ønsker at blive hjulpet gennem...

De giver gode råd men kan ikke fører en sag eller skrive noget på skrift. 

Som navnet antyder, er det netop vores hensigt at yde en ”gestus” til trængte nordjyske børnefamilier. Det helt enkle formål er, at hjælpe disse børnefamilier i en...

Main Services:

Consumer Council Debt Counseling is a national NGO that also has an office in Aalborg. You can both call, write, and show up for an appointment if you are socially disadvantaged...

Indvandrerrådgivningen giver gratis anonym rådgivningsservice inden for udlændingeområdet. Der gives rådgivning til indvandrere i Danmark, og man har kendskab til...

Temporary housing for women affected by violence at home. We also give advice on both physical and psychological violence. Opholdssted og rådgivning for voldsramte kvinder....

Main Services:

Legal Aid - Retshjælp i Danmark består af et stærkt hold erhvervsjura– og jurastuderende, som sidder klar til at hjælpe alle borgere, uanset sagens omfang eller borgerens baggrund...

Gives free advice on divorce, children, visitation and they can also offer couples counseling. 
