Aid Organization

Legal Aid - Aalborg

Legal Aid - Retshjælp i Danmark består af et stærkt hold erhvervsjura– og jurastuderende, som sidder klar til at hjælpe alle borgere, uanset sagens omfang eller borgerens baggrund, med deres juridiske problemstillinger. Alle sager behandles under kyndig vejledning af uddannede jurister. 

Der tilbydes også rådgivning på forskellige udenlandske sprog såsom engelsk, arabisk, kurdisk, tyrkisk m.fl.



Direct Aid: We provide direct assistance to new individuals (criteria for recipients may apply).

Location: Aalborg

Area Aided: Aalborg

Year the Charity Started:

Organization Extent: Local - Small (operates in just one country but in 1-3 places)

Religious Affiliation: No information provided

Number of Employees: 0

Development Partners:

Other Close Partners:

Sponsorships: None listed.

Major Donors or Sponsors: Civilstyrelsen.


In Kind:

Aid Focus: Family, Men, Exposed People, Homeless, Refugees & Integration, Children, Elderly, Minority Groups, Women, Youth

Financial Charts

Accounting year: not entered
Financial data not made public.
Financial data not made public.