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Enter an Area name and select a match (Globally, Aalborg, etc.)
We all have problems. If we are brave we try to solve them and seek assistance. Search for your town and see who helps.
Maybe you want to help somehow? Maybe you just wish to be better informed about who helps, how and where?


Quick About

There is no big brother to organize development and make sure, that aid is aimed at those who need the most. If we want to save the last bits of our environment and try to develop, in a more sustainable manner, it is up to us individuals to gather our shared knowledge and support the organizations, who are best at their work. Who is best is up to each individual to determine, as this based on personal preferences. Aid-e just want to give more easily accessible tools, which can be used to find organizations living up to your presonal requirements.

What is important to you?


Lanchere ny udgave af wesiden til April 2016

Du kan nu blive aid-e administator for din egen by!

Jim har tilføjet kort, så du let kan se hvor de hjælpende tilbud er placeret.





  • Én global side, hvor du kan finde hjælp lokalt
  • Du evaluere baseret på dine personlge prioriteter
  • Ingen betaler for noget - alt er gratis
  • Hjælp hinanden og se hvor der er brug for hjælp lokalt 
  • Gør det mere tydeligt hvem der hjælper hvor 
  • Bedre overblik over hvad organisationerne laver 
  • Forebygger at folk taber troen på hjælpeorganisationerne
  • Små organisationer er på lige fod med de store
  • Local frivillige vedligeholder lokale sider