I varmestuerne kan man købe en portion billig mad, få et varmt bad og noget rent tøj. Og så kan man altid finde én at tale med. Varmestuerne fungerer som fristeder i en hård og hektisk hverdag.
Services by Organization
The Danchurchsocial preacher can help with grief and advice though conversations. She works from the office but also visits people in their homes, do service at funerals and visits prisoners. Every second Tuesday she has service in the Ansgar church with communual supper and cofee.
Major Donors or Sponsors:
Public Donations: Do not need public donations at this time
Use of Donations:
In Kind Donations:
Current In Kind Needs:
We do different work with families. It is an offer address towards exposed families offering advice, aid for Christmas, sommer vaccation, weekend trips and Network activities such as the mothers group, which meets every Thursday from 10-13 to be social, knit, sew, pain etc.
Major Donors or Sponsors:
Public Donations: Need public donations
Use of Donations:
In Kind Donations:
Current In Kind Needs:
The shelter can offer a place to live for people who, for different reasons need a temporary place to live. Safety and confidentiality are priorities. The shelter supports and motivates the residents to establish and maintain a way of life which is in accordance with their own ambitions and needs. The shelter also assists in the process of finding a permanent home.
Skurbyen er et botilbud for hjemløse mennesker i Aalborg. Beboerne er ofte ikke i stand til at fastholde egen bolig på grund af misbrug. Skurbyens mål er at tilbyde et fællesskab, hvor beboerne kan bo og leve værdigt i hjemlige omgivelser.
Skurbyen har en høj tolerancetærskel i forhold til støj, misbrug og anden atypisk adfærd.
Major Donors or Sponsors:
Public Donations:
Use of Donations:
In Kind Donations:
Current In Kind Needs:
We give cheap food, sometimes it is free. You can always get free coffee, tea or lemonade and talk with the personel or volunteers or others. You can get advice, support and assistance with the public services, caseworkers, doctors etc.
Major Donors or Sponsors:
Public Donations: Need public donations
Use of Donations:
In Kind Donations: Accept in kind donations
Current In Kind Needs:
Gives free advice on divorce, children, visitation and they can also offer couples counseling.
Ejo Heza focuses in four main areas: improving adult literacy, providing access to financial services, increasing agricultural production and improved health and nutrition.
Higa Ubeho means “be determined and live” in Kinyarwanda. Global Communities is implementing the Higa Ubeho program in order to build resilience among the most vulnerable populations of Rwanda. Through interventions at the household, community, and civil society levels the ultimate aim is to lessen the impact of HIV and AIDS on orphans and vulnerable children, resulting in greater prosperity and stability for the country of Rwanda. The program supports orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs), helps Rwandans to respond to needs of their communities, empowers households and promotes civil society organization to deliver services in a transparent and effective manner.