Rights & Protection - Aalborg

Updated on Apr 24, 2016
. Contact the Aalborg group here to add or report missing or wrong information.

This page aims to show the various organizations in Aalborg helping within the area of rights and protection.

Rights-and-Protection Organizations Working in Aalborg

Consumer Council Debt Counseling is a national NGO that also has an office in Aalborg. You can both call, write, and show up for an appointment if you are socially disadvantaged...

Indvandrerrådgivningen giver gratis anonym rådgivningsservice inden for udlændingeområdet. Der gives rådgivning til indvandrere i Danmark, og man har kendskab til...

Helps cats and strays to find them homes or vaccinate them Hjælper katte, især vildkatte med at finde dem hjem og blive vaccineret.

Main Services:

Temporary housing for women affected by violence at home. We also give advice on both physical and psychological violence. Opholdssted og rådgivning for voldsramte kvinder....

Main Services:

Legal Aid - Retshjælp i Danmark består af et stærkt hold erhvervsjura– og jurastuderende, som sidder klar til at hjælpe alle borgere, uanset sagens omfang eller borgerens baggrund...

Lærkereden er et tilbud til hjemløse kvinder. Der er 6 pladser. Man skal visiteres og det er kun for enlige, uden børn.

Main Services:

Gives free advice on divorce, children, visitation and they can also offer couples counseling. 

Natteravnene i Aalborg går rundt i nattelivet for at skabe tryghed og hjælpe.

Oxfam Ibis works with education and human rights in Latin America and Africa. It is operated from Denmark although it has recently become a member of Oxfam International. In...
