Aid for Youth in Africa

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Youth Organizations Working in Africa

Agape helps with: Child and Youth Protection Legal Aid Services provision Prevention of Gender Based Violence Child marriages and Early Pregnancies HIV/AIDS Control...

Bethesda er udgangspunktet for Indre Missions arbejde i Aalborg. De har flere aktiviteter for forskellige grupper.

Works in different countries targeting conditions surrounding health in areas which are not receiveing much assistance from other organizations. In Nyaruguru district they...

Kembujeh School friends has sponsored app. 800 school children i Gambia since 2005. They have supported the additional buildings and initiatives and are currently aiming to build...

Main Services:

Focusing on Ikombe & Katangi Divisions in Yatta District, MCDA initially highlighted health, education, food security and youth unemployment. MCDA has now expanded to a lead...

Through participation in clubs and associations as well as various programs and projects, Never Again Rwanda engages with young people’s intellect and ideas, develops their...

Plan currently works with 2,500 sponsored children, their families and communities in the Gatsibo district. We aim to open 4 more programme units within the next 5 years....

Does community work helping to build houses but also goes to sports events with their volunteer medics.

Rwanda Aid is a small charity that creates innovative, pilot projects that act as models and catalysts for further development with main aims to bring hope and relief to the most...
