Aid for Food-Security in Africa

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Food-Security Organizations Working in Africa

Profile pending

Emmaus International is one out of 310 socially aiding groups in 36 lande. The one in Denmark is in Tylstryp (Nordjylland) at a farm, where sale of secondhand furniture and other...

Assist arbejder i 3 lande I Sri Lanka hjælper de seksuelt misbrugte børn og yder akut nødhjælp til ofrene for den 25 år lange borgerkrig. I Mozambique...

Benishyaka is the implementing NGO of the EU funded project "The Inclusive Society: Together Ending Malnutrition" Benishyaka’s mission is to restore hope through facilitating...

CARE works both in emergencies and in development and advocacy areas. They work internationally in many countries so the programs vary.

FAO is a UN agency which is very much focused on the sustainable development of agriculture. They have five main areas: Expertice in collecting, analysing and disseminating...

Since 2008, FAO has been supporting value chain development for potato, maize, milk, passion fruit, cassava and pineapple, focusing on Burera, Gicumbi and Gisagara districts. All...

Fidesco International is a Chatolic Emmanuel organization which matches proffessional volunteers with underprivileged groups in refugee camps, youth centers, orphanages, schools...
