Charity Profile

Generic Top Level Charity

Updated date: Sunday, July 26, 2015 - 19:01

Editor Affiliation: Aid E Volunteer

Aid E Group: South Denmark

Aid Area: South Denmark

Direct Aid: No information provided.

Administrative Location: Africa

Test of chained owners

Year the Charity Started:

Organization Extent:

Type of Organization:

Aid Focus: Groups, Exposed People, Homeless

Type of Services: No information provided.

Involvement of Locals: No information provided.

Religious Affiliation: No information provided

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: No information provided.

Number of Employees: 0

Volunteer Help: No information provided.

Membership: No information provided.

Financial Information

Supported By: No information provided.

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.

Development Partners: No partner information provided.

Public Donations: No information provided.

Grants Acceptance: No information provided.

In Kind Donations: No information provided.

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Financial information availability not provided

Aalborg Municipality

Updated date: Monday, July 25, 2022 - 15:14

Editor Affiliation: Aid E Volunteer

Aid E Group: Aalborg

Aid Area: Aalborg

Direct Aid: No information provided.

Administrative Location: Aalborg

Our vision is to preserve and enhance the character of city and district, making it an excellent place where to live and work, and to visit where everyone enjoys a range of quality and efficient services in a progressive society.

Year the Charity Started:

Organization Extent:

Type of Organization: Public Institution

Aid Focus: Homeless, Refugees & Integration, Exposed People, Elderly

Type of Services: Treatment, Information or Advocacy

Involvement of Locals: No information provided.

Religious Affiliation: No information provided

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: No information provided.

Number of Employees: 0

Volunteer Help: No information provided.

Membership: No information provided.

Financial Information

Supported By: Governmental body

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.

Development Partners: No partner information provided.

Public Donations: No information provided.

Grants Acceptance: No information provided.

In Kind Donations: No information provided.

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Financial information availability not provided

Kildehuset - Fountain House i Aalbborg

Updated date: Sunday, August 25, 2019 - 18:14

Editor Affiliation: Aid E Volunteer

Aid E Group: Aalborg

Aid Area: Aalborg

Direct Aid: No information provided.

Administrative Location: Aalborg

Source house is a place of work for people who have a long term mental illness.

Year the Charity Started:

Organization Extent: Local - Small (operates in just one country but in 1-3 places)

Type of Organization: Association

Aid Focus: Exposed People, Health, Mental Afflictions

Type of Services: No information provided.

Involvement of Locals: No information provided.

Religious Affiliation: No information provided

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: No information provided.

Number of Employees: 0

Volunteer Help: No information provided.

Membership: No information provided.

Financial Information

Supported By: Private Donations

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.

Development Partners: No partner information provided.

Public Donations: No information provided.

Grants Acceptance: No information provided.

In Kind Donations: No information provided.

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Financial information availability not provided

Citizen Help East - Foreningen Borgerhjælp Øst - Aalborg

Updated date: Sunday, August 25, 2019 - 18:14

Editor Affiliation: Aid E Volunteer

Aid E Group: Aalborg

Aid Area: Aalborg

Direct Aid: No information provided.

Administrative Location: Aalborg

Civil Society Help East aims to prevent loneliness among the elderly in particular by offering
joined activities, doctor visits, walks etc.. The association also wants to improve the quality of life for
elderly through helping with simple practical tasks which it may be hard to do even when you grow older.

Year the Charity Started:

Organization Extent:

Type of Organization:

Aid Focus: Elderly

Type of Services: No information provided.

Involvement of Locals: No information provided.

Religious Affiliation: No information provided

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: No information provided.

Number of Employees: None or not entered.

Volunteer Help: No information provided.

Membership: No information provided.

Financial Information

Supported By: No information provided.

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.

Development Partners: No partner information provided.

Public Donations: No information provided.

Grants Acceptance: No information provided.

In Kind Donations: No information provided.

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Financial information availability not provided

Aid Evaluator

Updated date: Thursday, May 27, 2021 - 22:50

Editor Affiliation: Volunteer with this organization

Aid E Group: Aalborg

Aid Area: International

Direct Aid: We do NOT provide direct assistance to new individuals (we select our own target group).

Administrative Location: Aalborg

Lists aid organizations in order to give people better options for finding the aid options best suited for their own personal preferences. In time, if more volunteers join, it aims to give better oversight and insight into who is giving aid, where and how.

Year the Charity Started: 1995

Organization Extent: International - Big (operates in more than 8 countries)

Type of Organization: Private

Aid Focus: Development, International orientation, Community Development

Type of Services: Information or Advocacy

Involvement of Locals: Locals are involved in planning and/or implementation of organization's projects

Religious Affiliation: No Religious Affiliation

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: There is a discrepancy between our aim to cover all places in the world and what we do; as we are not there yet. We need more volunteers to complete our target.

Number of Employees: 0

Volunteer Help: We enlist the help of volunteers

Number of Volunteers: 35
Need For Volunteers: Seeking volunteers
Volunteer Jobs Available: List aid organizations locally or by topic Find the right engaged people for various areas Help develop web-site
Volunteer Requirements: That you can be neutral and independent. That you can read documents and understand their meaning. That you can look for organizations in phone books, on-line and personally, if necessary.
Volunteer Benefits: You help show what aid organizations do, so that it is easier for people to find help and to reward organizations that live up to your personal criteria on transparency, finance and many other significant areas. Making aid accountable will improve how well it is delivered to those most in need. That in turn should make for a better world.

Membership: Allow people to become members

Membership Requirements: No cost - just get a profile on the web-page You will be a part of making the web-page but you cannot be a member of the board, as there is none. If you want to make one, write me.
Membership Cost: 5 kr. for

Financial Information

Supported By: Private Donations

Major Donors or Sponsors: Only paid by Britt Rasmussen the CEO

Development Partners: Do not partner with other organizations or agencies

Government Partners:
Other Partners:

Public Donations: Need public donations

Donation Use: [field_donation_use]
Tax Status: Donations are not tax deductible

Grants Acceptance: Accept large grants from individuals or companies

In Kind Donations: Do not accept in kind donations

Current in kind needs:

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Willing to make financial details available to the public
Reason for not disclosing Financial information:

Financial details publicly available

Income: 1
Expenses: 356$
Financial Comments: The founder personally pays for the domain name and hosting in 2021 this amounted to §356. Otherwise there are no costs and no income. I have again bought hosting for 3 years.

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz - Hannover

Updated date: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 - 18:32

Editor Affiliation: Aid E Volunteer

Aid E Group: Hanover

Aid Area: Hanover

Direct Aid: No information provided.

Administrative Location:

Year the Charity Started:

Organization Extent:

Type of Organization:

Aid Focus: Groups, Exposed People, Homeless, Children, Elderly, Minority Groups, Women, Youth, Health, Diseases

Type of Services: No information provided.

Involvement of Locals: No information provided.

Religious Affiliation: No information provided

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: No information provided.

Number of Employees: None or not entered.

Volunteer Help: No information provided.

Membership: No information provided.

Financial Information

Supported By: No information provided.

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.

Development Partners: No partner information provided.

Public Donations: No information provided.

Grants Acceptance: No information provided.

In Kind Donations: No information provided.

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Financial information availability not provided

Gældsrådgivningen/Consumer Council's Debt Advice - Aalborg

Updated date: Sunday, August 25, 2019 - 18:14

Editor Affiliation: Aid E Volunteer

Aid E Group: Aalborg

Aid Area: Aalborg

Direct Aid: We provide direct assistance to new individuals (criteria for recipients may apply).

Administrative Location: Copenhagen - København

Consumer Council Debt Counseling is a national NGO that also has an office in Aalborg. You can both call, write, and show up for an appointment if you are socially disadvantaged with serious debt problems.

Our counselors work voluntary and unpaid. They are trained (or students) financial advisors, economists, social workers and lawyers and the advice is both anonymous and independent.

Year the Charity Started:

Organization Extent: Local - Medium (operates in just one country but in 3-5 places)

Type of Organization:

Aid Focus: Homeless, Rights and Protection, Human Rights & Justice

Type of Services: Volunteer organisation, Counseling, Information or Advocacy

Involvement of Locals: Locals are involved in planning and/or implementation of organization's projects

Religious Affiliation: No information provided

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: No information provided.

Number of Employees: None or not entered.

Volunteer Help: No information provided.

Membership: No information provided.

Financial Information

Supported By: No information provided.

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.

Development Partners: No partner information provided.

Public Donations: No information provided.

Grants Acceptance: No information provided.

In Kind Donations: No information provided.

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Financial information availability not provided

Kofoed's school - Aalborg

Updated date: Sunday, August 25, 2019 - 18:14

Editor Affiliation: Aid E Volunteer

Aid E Group: Aalborg

Aid Area: Aalborg

Direct Aid: No information provided.

Administrative Location: Copenhagen - København

Kofoed's Skole is an offer for unemployed and socially disadvantaged people to help themselves. Through the workshop work, teaching, counseling, practical help and social interaction each student is taught to help themselves get ahead in life.

Year the Charity Started:

Organization Extent:

Type of Organization:

Aid Focus: Exposed People, Homeless, Minority Groups

Type of Services: No information provided.

Involvement of Locals: No information provided.

Religious Affiliation: No Religious Affiliation

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: No information provided.

Number of Employees: None or not entered.

Volunteer Help: We enlist the help of volunteers

Number of Volunteers:
Need For Volunteers: Seeking volunteers
Volunteer Jobs Available: Undervisning; f.eks. dansk, engelsk, foto eller samfundsfag. Værkstedsarbejde; f.eks. arbejde i glas, træ, ben eller sten. Rådgivning; f.eks. coaching, vejledning, personlig udvikling. Tovholder/værtinde; på frivillig eftermiddage man/tors kl. 14-20 Mentor/samtalepartner; for en udvalgt elev/frivillig
Volunteer Requirements:
Volunteer Benefits: Et fagligt og engageret fællesskab, som kan udvikle dig og dine kompetencer. Yderst fleksible arbejdstider, der passer dig. Eksempelvis morgen-, eftermiddags- eller aftentimer. Eller bliv frivillig i en periode. Gratis fællesspisning.

Membership: No information provided.

Financial Information

Supported By: No information provided.

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.

Development Partners: No partner information provided.

Public Donations: No information provided.

Grants Acceptance: No information provided.

In Kind Donations: No information provided.

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Financial information availability not provided

FN Forbundet Nordjylland - Danish United Nations Association

Updated date: Monday, August 25, 2014 - 00:17

Editor Affiliation: Aid E Volunteer

Aid E Group: Aalborg

Aid Area: Denmark - Danmark, Aalborg

Direct Aid: No information provided.

Administrative Location:

Profile pending.

Year the Charity Started: 2014

Organization Extent:

Type of Organization: Affiliate (local branch of larger organization)

Aid Focus: Development

Type of Services: Information or Advocacy

Involvement of Locals: No information provided.

Religious Affiliation: No information provided

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: No information provided.

Number of Employees: 0

Volunteer Help: No information provided.

Membership: No information provided.

Financial Information

Supported By: Intergovernmental Organization (EU, UN, AU, etc)

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.

Development Partners: No partner information provided.

Public Donations: No information provided.

Grants Acceptance: No information provided.

In Kind Donations: No information provided.

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Financial information availability not provided

Amnesty International - Aalborg

Updated date: Monday, April 3, 2017 - 05:18

Editor Affiliation: Volunteer with this organization

Aid E Group: Aalborg

Aid Area: International, Aalborg

Direct Aid: No information provided.

Administrative Location: Aalborg

Amnesty International is a global movement of 2.8 million supporters, members and activists in more than 150 countries and territories who campaign for internationally recognized human rights to be respected and protected for everyone. This is done by mobilizing the public to put pressure on governments, armed political groups, companies and intergovernmental bodies. As a activist in Aalborg you can help us to collect these signatures and to make Amnesty International's global and national campaigns visible in Aalborg.

Year the Charity Started:

Organization Extent: International - Big (operates in more than 8 countries)

Type of Organization: Affiliate (local branch of larger organization), Association

Aid Focus: International orientation, Rights and Protection, Human Rights & Justice, Violence and Abuse, Human Trafficking

Type of Services: Information or Advocacy

Involvement of Locals: Locals are involved in planning and/or implementation of organization's projects

Religious Affiliation: No Religious Affiliation

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: No information provided.

Number of Employees: 0

Volunteer Help: We enlist the help of volunteers

Number of Volunteers: 20
Need For Volunteers: Seeking volunteers
Volunteer Jobs Available:
Volunteer Requirements:
Volunteer Benefits:

Membership: Allow people to become members

Membership Requirements:
Membership Cost: You can decide the amount for yourself

Parent Organization: Amnesty International (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Financial Information

Supported By: Parent Organization, Private Donations

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.

Development Partners: No partner information provided.

Public Donations: Never need public donations

Donation Use: [field_donation_use]
Tax Status: No information provided.

Grants Acceptance: Do not accept large grants

In Kind Donations: Accept in kind donations

Current in kind needs:

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Financial information availability not provided
