GGuide to collect info on a Topic


Help to improve aid by providing, the lacking bits of information



If we are ever, to get some insight into the state of development, we have to do it together. Efficient development has to include information from both; donors, recipients and the charity organizations. Everyone can contribute with knowledge, found on-line or in your local community etc.


You can choose both big and small topics. A topic like 'hunger' is quite big, whereas something like 'assistance to rain-water harvesting' may be smaller to cover but, perhaps, also more difficult to find ngos working with. You can add any topic that people need assistance with, and it would be wise to choose a topic you know, or wish to know, a lot about.



To make a page for a topic, you may:

  • Choose any topic, within which people may need assistance.
  • Deside if you want the list of NGOs to be global or local. If global then you should only pick international aid organizations. It is easier to find the local ones but then you'll need to specify an area, preferable from one of the countries that are already featured.


To find organizations working in the country, try to find government web-sites. The Charity Navigator is also a good place to look for charities also has good insight into international organizations. Otherwise, simple searches are a good way to get on track, even the phonebook may come in handy. You can also ask local municipalities or people.


You simply e-mail me whatever, relevant, information you find and e-mail it to: then I'll add it the right places.


In general, it would be nice if all of the included charities/ngos/ organizations were free of charge. But if the costs are small, for instance, like a small yearly membership fee, then I will trust your judgment on that. Also, if you do good work and wish to be part of the groups in charge of the information on a country, let me know in the e-mail and I'll put your name on top of the page. If you have any questions write me and ask :)




Aid Evaluator seeks volunteers to help find information about organisations.

To gather all of the information needed to help people, all over the world, volunteers play an essential role at Aid Evaluator. The hope is that ordinary, as well as extraordinary, people will become responsible for their local area. Being responsible means updating the site on the available offers of help and trying to keep this information updated.

If you're interested or just wish to know more, do write to:


Aid Evaluator

Help should be easy to find. Relevant information about those who offer help must be available to both donors and those in need of help.


Better information is the best way to facilitate a more efficient aid delivery system. It is too much work for any one organisation. It can only be done by ordinary and extraordinary volunteers like me and you.



Example pages



No Copyright - Sharing is more important � 2013 Aid Evaluator.