There are many places in dire need of reconstruction, Mosul in Iraq, Mogadishu in Somalia, tons of places in Syria, not to mention places of natural disaster like Haiti, Pueto Rico, Bangladesh etc. Everyone can agree that it would be nice to get support when your home or city has been demolished but there are many factos to consider. We hope to get more numbers and facts to help you in the advanced search but until we are more volunteers at aid-e to help us make it, you will need to considder yourself. Some suggestions are:
- The number of people affected
- Do they have other places to go
- Is the situation stable or will this likely happen again soon
- What type of rebuilding should be supported. Durable, quick, environmental, earthquake resistant etc.
- What type of assistance: Locals get assistance directly, NGOs help rebuild, government support etc.
- How long have people suffered without their homes