War - Globally

Updated on Dec 4, 2022

There are many wars and conflicts some are more know than others. We would like for you to be able to compare based on numbers from various sources but we need someone to make and maintain this page. 

Proposed ways to measure the level of war:

  • Number affected in the areas at war.
  • Number of casualties on soldiers and civilians.
  • Number of Starvation/freezing, other related causes.
  • Number of rape (even more an estimate than the other numbers).
  • Number of displaced population.


Russia - Ukraine: estimates of deaths range from 40.000 to 200.000 (Reuters dec 1. 2022).

Yemen Houthis against - Saudi Arabia and occationally mainly in 2015 the So called Saudi coalition (USA, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Academi (formerly called Blackwater), Djibouti, Eritrea, and Somalia.



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Organizations Providing Aid

Has Not Been Rated

Has Not Been Rated

Works to protect children with both developement and emergency assistance.They have 28 member... Read more

Has Not Been Rated


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