Animal Protection - Kigali

Updated on Feb 26, 2015
. Contact the Kigali group here to add or report missing or wrong information.

This page aims to list the help available for animals in Kigali.

A volunteer is needed to maintain this page. You would need to have an interest in the welfare of animals and knowledge about Kigali. 

The first job would be to list the organizations helping animals in Kigali. Next to offer other relevant information about the available or non-available assistance.

After listing the organizations we would like you to ask them to provide information about their work so that they can maintain their own pages and update them when relevant. Your job would be to help those who might have trouble entering information on-line + to keep an eye out for those which may no longer exist. It is your job to ensure that the information given is correct although we do take into account that it is a non-paid volunteer job and that as volunteers, we cannot know everything.

Kigali : Animal Rights & Wildlife - Available Services

No matching services were found in this category. Click on the "See who helps" link to find related organizations.