Aid for Depression in Aalborg
This page aims to show all organizations, which help within this topic. Currently some organizations and other helpful initiatives may be lacking because we need an administrator, to find and help the organizations fill out their personal profile pages.
If you care about this topic, or know someone who does, we need an administrator for this page to help keep it up to date with relevant news and check that the organizations working on this topic in this area, are still there and have filled out their profiles. To become a topic admin contact the AidEvaluator Administrator.
Depression Organizations Working in Aalborg
They work to emprove the circumstances of the more than 60.000 relatives to mentally ill in Aalborg. They cooperate and create dialog with relevant authorities, organizations and...
Main Services:
Blå Kors (The Blue Cross) aims to assist exposed Danes. They have 3 activities in Aalborg: Hjerterummet (Heart Space), Tuba og Barnets Blå hus (The Blue house for Kids...
Alle mennesker støder ind i problemer. Men nogle gange kommer problemerne til at fylde for meget. Fordi noget ikke er, som det skal være. Eller der er noget, vi ikke forstår....