Disabilities - Rwanda

Updated on Mar 4, 2014
. Contact the Rwanda group here to add or report missing or wrong information.

This page is meant to list the help available for people with different types of dissabilities. It should not be difficult to get assistance, if your dissability is physical and inflicted during the genocide.

However, if it is mental or just a general infliction such as hearing disability, or a mental disability; then you might need to look for it. I hope this page can be useful in listing the available aid. 

Disabilities Organizations Working in Rwanda

Handicap International ANS works on serveral projects assisting handicapped, disabled, and vulnerable people. They also deal with PTS, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence,...

Profile pending The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Rwanda was started by the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a way to follow Christ’s example of serving and...

FH Association Rwanda (Food for the Hungry) is an International Christian Relief and Development Organization fighting against all forms of poverty. They have many global projects...

Helps underprivileged and disabled youth through educational assistance, vocational workshops, and family support.

My Right is an umbrella organization forming partnerships between Swedish disability organisations and their equivalents in MyRight’s partner countries Bolivia, Nicaragua, Rwanda...

Our key activity is advocacy to ensure the realization of equal rights, opportunities and participation for people with disabilities. Ensuring access to quality and appropriate...
