Aid for Income-Generation in North-Jutland
This page aims to show all organizations, which help within this topic. Currently some organizations and other helpful initiatives may be lacking because we need an administrator, to find and help the organizations fill out their personal profile pages.
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Income-Generation Organizations Working in North-Jutland
Blå Kors (The Blue Cross) aims to assist exposed Danes. They have 3 activities in Aalborg: Hjerterummet (Heart Space), Tuba og Barnets Blå hus (The Blue house for Kids...
A danish couple have since 2014 established a center with three activities. A kindergarden, a course in leadership skills and other courses in various vocational skills.
Danish People's Aid is a country wide volunteer driven organisation, which helps exposed people in both Denmark and abroad. They have three main areas: First aid, social work in...
Danchurchsocial (Kirkens Korshær) in Aalborg has several offers to people in need of social contact and people who care. They have 2 day shelters, 2 night shelters, 4 second-hand...
Main Services:
We have ladies who knit warm clothes, people who visit each other in the Visit service, an integration group that maches Danes with former refugees, health care workers and 4...