Aid for Rights-and-Protection in Europe

This page aims to show all organizations, which help within this topic. Currently some organizations and other helpful initiatives may be lacking because we need an administrator, to find and help the organizations fill out their personal profile pages.
If you care about this topic, or know someone who does, we need an administrator for this page to help keep it up to date with relevant news and check that the organizations working on this topic in this area, are still there and have filled out their profiles. To become a topic admin contact the AidEvaluator Administrator.

Rights-and-Protection Organizations Working in Europe

Oxfam helps Rwanda in four main sectors: Paticipatory governance, sustainable livelihoods, gender justice and humantarian intervention & response

The largest Portuguese environmental organization.

Red Barnet arbejder for børns rettigheder i 110 lande. I Danmark har Red Barnet Venskabsfamilier, familieklubber. De arbejder også for "Fri Mobberi" og "Sikker Chat"....

I RBU Aalborg er der både projekter, der arbejder med antimobning, aktiviteter i asylcentre, lektiecafé, mentorordninger og internationale forhold for børn. Udover...

Red Cross in Norway had 43.000 members in 2019 (RC:NO, 2020). They work in different areas with: Kids and youth activities, emergency services, Inclusion and social...

Reden Aalborg er et frirum for kvinder og mænd, der - ofte eller bare en gang imellem - har eller har haft sex for penge, husly eller andet.  Reden er til for dig, hvis du...

We provide support for foreign women in prostitution in Denmark, with services that cover the women’s needs, both on a short- and on a long-term basis.  Day/night: open...

Main Services:

 The Nest International offers support in several ways: The Crisis Centre – a safe house for foreign women who are victims of trafficking. The women stay at the centre...

Refugees Welcome provides relevant facts and information on both their webpage and their facebook page. They also have a hotline you can call or you can visit them on Tuesdays. In...

Frelsens Hær i Aalborg er et levende kristent fællesskab beliggende på Mølleplads i det centrale Aalborg. Foruden gudstjeneste om søndagen tilbyder vi en række ugentlige...
