Offer: North-Jutland - Seasonal-Food-Aid

Møllepladscentret - Frelsens hær

Hver dag (gratis) morgenbespisning kl. 9-11. Flere aktiviteter om eftermiddagen.
Mulighed for at deltage i det frivillige sociale aktiveringsprogram på Nørholm - et tilbud om at komme ud af byen og opleve en anderledes (rusfri) hverdag i naturskønne omgivelser.


Project Status: Active and Open Ended
Project End Date:

Sponsoring Entity:
Financial Management: Service manages some portion of financial activities
Public Donations: Need public donations
Use of Donations:
In Kind Donations: Accept in kind donations
Current In Kind Needs:

Aid Focus: Food Security, Information and Communication, Exposed People, Homeless, Alcohol dependency, Substance Abuse