Offer: UNHCR---United-Nations-High-Commissioner-for-Refugees- - provider

Kakuma refugee camp - UNHCR

Kakuma refugee camp, in northwestern Kenya, is the largest refugee camp in the world. Established in 1992, the camp is jointly managed by the Kenyan Department of Refugee Affairs and UNHCR. Today, Kakuma is home to some 100,000 South Sudanese and 55,000 Somali refugees, most of whom were driven from their homelands by civil war. But the camp also hosts refugees from nearly 20 other countries (UNHCR).


Project Status: Active and Open Ended
Project End Date:

Sponsoring Entity: Sponsoring is provided by you and partner organizations
Financial Management: No option selected.
Public Donations:
Use of Donations:
In Kind Donations:
Current In Kind Needs:

Aid Focus: Refugee Camps/Detention centers