Offer: Africa - Women

Child and Youth Protection - Agape

This is one of the Agape core work focusing on ensuring that children and youth are protected and supported   to achieve their full developmental potential in their life. This componet involves creation of awareness on the community and child protection actors on child rights, Education support to most vulnerable children (MVC), capacity building to various actors of child protection like school teachers, and so far about 20 school and 80 teachers were capacitated to develop school based child protection policies in Shinyanga Rural and Kishapu Districts and already, each school has developed child protection policies through involving School boards/committees; The target groups under this component are children with an age range of 0-17 years and youth with an age of 15-25 years.


Project Status: Active and Open Ended
Project End Date:

Sponsoring Entity: Sponsoring is provided by you and partner organizations
Financial Management: No option selected.
Public Donations:
Use of Donations:
In Kind Donations:
Current In Kind Needs:

Aid Focus: Vocational Training, Family, Children, Women, Youth, Human Rights & Justice, Violence and Abuse, Rape Sexual Assualt, Domestic Violence, Incest and Child Abuse