Charity Profile
Headspace i Aalborg
Editor Affiliation: Aid E Volunteer
Aid E Group: Aalborg
Aid Area: Aalborg
Administrative Location: Copenhagen - København
Alle mennesker støder ind i problemer. Men nogle gange kommer problemerne til at fylde for meget. Fordi noget ikke er, som det skal være. Eller der er noget, vi ikke forstår. Eller ikke kan finde ud af. Eller som føles forkert.
Uanset, hvad det drejer sig om, er der hjælp at hente i headspace. Alle er velkomne. Både hvis du selv er ung og har problemer og, hvis du er ven eller familie til en, som har. Og intet problem er for stort eller for småt.
Year the Charity Started:
Organization Extent: Local - Medium (operates in just one country but in 3-5 places)
Type of Organization: Association
Aid Focus: Children, Youth, Health, Mental Afflictions, Loneliness, Depression
Type of Services: Volunteer organisation, Counseling, Information or Advocacy
Involvement of Locals: No information provided.
Religious Affiliation: No information provided
Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.
Mistakes we have made: No information provided.
Number of Employees: None or not entered.
Volunteer Help: No information provided.
Membership: No information provided.
Financial Information
Supported By: Governmental body
Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.
Development Partners: No partner information provided.
Public Donations: No information provided.
Grants Acceptance: No information provided.
In Kind Donations: No information provided.
Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.
Financial information availability not provided
No Financial Report provided.