Charity Profile

Global Communities (formerly CHF International)

Updated date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 - 19:05

Editor Affiliation: Aid E Volunteer

Aid E Group: Kigali

Aid Area: Rwanda

Direct Aid: No information provided.

Administrative Location: Kigali

Global Communities is a close partner of USAID. They implement various programmes with various target groups. Most are however rural and poor and are helped with cooperatives and farming but there is also focus on children with HIV/AIDs.

Year the Charity Started: 2005

Organization Extent: International - Big (operates in more than 8 countries)

Type of Organization: Affiliate (local branch of larger organization)

Aid Focus: Development, Agriculture, Food Security, Groups, Children, Health, Diseases, HIV/AIDS, Healthy Living

Type of Services: In Kind donations (Food, clothes, etc), Treatment, Counseling, Information or Advocacy

Involvement of Locals: Locals are involved in planning and/or implementation of organization's projects

Religious Affiliation: No information provided

Environmentally Friendly: No information provided.

Mistakes we have made: No information provided.

Number of Employees: 0

Volunteer Help: No information provided.

Membership: No information provided.

Financial Information

Supported By: Intergovernmental Organization (EU, UN, AU, etc), Bilateral Agency (DFID, JICA, Danida, SIDA, USAID, GIZ, etc)

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.

Development Partners: Partner with other organizations or agencies

Government Partners:
Other Partners: USAID

Public Donations: No information provided.

Grants Acceptance: No information provided.

In Kind Donations: No information provided.

Groups Sponsored by your organization: None listed.

Financial information availability not provided

Financial Charts

Accounting year: not entered
Financial data not made public.
Financial data not made public.