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Action Nord Sud Handicap International
Handicap International ANS works on serveral projects assisting handicapped, disabled, and vulnerable people. They also deal with PTS, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence, awarenessraising etc.
Epilepsy affects around 1% of the Rwandan population. Some 90,000 people are affected by the illness and the lives and futures of 30,000 children of school age are compromised by this scourge.
- 40 mediators in 2010 assisted 3.600 people with post-traumatic stress and had discussion groups.
- Epilepsy: quality healthcare and community-based awareness. Ensures the supply of anti-epileptic drugs.
- Rehabilitation care for disabled people: A training system is offered to physiotherapists and orthoprosthetic technicians. Assistance to five rehabilitation services located in public hospitals in Kigali.
- Capacity building of disabled people's organisations (DPOs) in the fight against HIV/AIDS and the inclusion of disability issues in the plans and actions of HIV/AIDS prevention and case-management operators.
- Inclusive education for vulnerable children.
- Prevention and fight against gender-based violence.
- Solidarity fund managed by the National Federation for People with Disabilities (FENAPH).
- Go to isolated communities to provide them with rehabilitation services.
- Respect for the rights of people with disabilities has been at the heart of Handicap International's preoccupations since its was founded in 1982
Other relevant information
- Began working in Rwanda in 1994
- Secretariat is based in?
- Works in: Huye, Ngoma, Kigali-city, Kigali rural, Butare, Ruhengeri
- Religious or political affiliations: No
- Open for volunteers: ?
- Can Rwandans join porgrammes: ?
Financial information
- Donors: France and Belgium mostly
- GoR partners: MINISANTE probably?
- Number of Employees/ volunteers in Rwanda: 52 national staff including 4 people working for the project, based in Huye, and 6 people attached to the Epilepsy project based in Ngoma. 2 expatriate staff
- Budget: (2010 int. report).
- E-mail: handint@rwandatel1.
- Contact Person: ?
- Phone: 83689
- Web-page: Press here
- Address: B.P. 747 Kigali
Hanicap International
- Helps some of the most exposed people in Rwanda
- There are not many actors addressing the needs of handicapped and disabled people there
- It is one of the few organisation trying to deal with the PTS that many cannot hide away