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CARE Rwanda
CARE supports collaboration and partnership across all programming sectors with: (1) the ministries of agriculture, rehabilitation, health, public works, environment and tourism, and family and promotion of women; (2) local authorities at prefecture and commune levels; and (3) registered local and international NGOs. Projects now include STD/AIDS prevention, water-system rehabilitation and community management of water systems, health education, agroforestry and sustainable land use management, community-assisted shelter projects and promotion of women's agricultural production.
Projects at Care
- ART Access and Adherence for Bed-Ridden PLHA
- Civil Society Strengthening Project
- Civil Society Support Programme
- Communities Allied against Violence and AIDS (CAVA)
- Community Based Livelihood Enhancement (CLE) Project
- Community Learning and Action for Savings Stimulation and Enhancement Project
- Community Support and Mentoring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children /Youth (COSMO)
- Community-Assisted Access to Sustainable Energy in Rwanda (CASE-Rwanda)
- Community-Based Response to HIV/AIDS (COMBAR-AIDS)
- Community-Based Water and Sanitation Project (CWASA)
- CORE HIV/AIDS Project in Gikongoro
- Enterprise, Environment and Equity in the Virunga Landscape of the Great Lakes
- Expanding Economic Opportunity for Rural Women through Micro-Finance Program
- Farmers of the Future Initiative (FOFI)
- FEMME(Foundations to Enhance Management of Maternal Emergencies)
- Gisenyi Land and Environment Rehabilitation Project (GLER)
- Gitarama AIDS Prevention Project
- Great Lakes Advocacy Group Initiative/Gender and Conflict
- Increasing Utilization of Family Planning Services Through Community-Based Contraceptive Distribution
- Kuraneza (USAID)
- Nkundabana Initiative Scale-Up
- Nukunabana Initiative for Psychosocial Support
- Programme d'Appui a la Decentralisation et au Developpement Economique Participatif (PADDEP)
- Promoting Opportunities for Women's Empowerment in Rwanda (POWER)
- Rights Awareness and Action Project (RAAP)
- RTL Vocational Training - Gitarama
- Rwanda Freeplay WEZA Micro-Enterprise Pilot Project
- Rwandan Returnees Emergency Project
- Small School Project
- Strengthening Civic Participation in Rwanda
- Strengthening Communities Response to HIV/AIDS (SCORE) - Umutara
- Strengthening New Communities (SNC)
- Strengthening Nkundabana Structure (SNS)
- Sustainable Access to Financial Services for Investment (SAFI)
- Trees For The Future
- USAID/ Higa Ubeho Social Services for Vulnerable Population
- Youth Initiatives to Enhance out-of-school Learning for Development (YIELD) Project
- Youth Participation in the Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Genocide
Other relevant information
- INGO founded in 1984 in Rwanda
- Religious or political affiliations: ?
- Open for volunteers: ?
- Contact information: ?
- Website: Click here
- Opening hours: Weekdays ?
Financial information
- Funded by different donors
- Expenses: ?
- Number of Employees: ?
- Lacks?
- E-mail:
- Contact Person:
- Phone: 250 54 62 39
- Web-page: None
- Address: BP 45 Ruhengeri
Why Help Care Rwanda?