Made by Britt Rasmussen (Aid E) = Approved :)


Aid Evaluator (AID-E)



Aid E began as a concept in 2005. It is a one woman driven project with huge ambitions and little actual impact. In 2005 there was a lot of concern about aid effectiveness. Both donor countries and individuals had heard so much about mismanaged aid projects and corruption; that beneficiaries (people needing assistance stood to loos a lot). The lack of information about the progress of aid, and what's ahead meant that good results rarely made the headlines and not much has changed. There is still oversight or insight into what goes on and Aid-E believes it is possible, if people everywhere help to map all the efforts so that it is possible for researchers to evaluate, and for donors and practitioners to prioritise the must needed and most effective practices.




  • Facilitates how to look for help on-line (by making lists and trying to find the organizations that work locally in areas and topics.
  • Facilitates the search for aid projets to support by individuals (by providing relevant information about organisations and what they do and listing them in topics and areas, so that people can pick based on their personal priorities).
  • Facilitates general insight and oversight for NGOs and researches that wish to cooperate or just get a more full perspective on the progress of development.


  • To create insight and oversight of development aid, so that locals can find the available aid and so so that non-locals can see the good initiatives, analyze and prioritize, based on personal criterias.


Other relevant information

  • Began working 2005 and in Rwanda in 2011
  • Secretariat is based in: Denmark
  • Works in all areas
  • Religious or political affiliations: No
  • Open for volunteers: Yes please, all can join - you just need to be able to send an e-mail.
  • Can Rwandans join the porgrammen: Yes please, all can join - you just need to be able to send an e-mail.


Financial information

  • Donors: None
  • GoR partners: Aid-E aims to have no partnerships with ministries or other practitioners. It would like to partner up with universities and colleges that do similar research, such as NUR.
  • Number of Employees/ volunteers: There are only volunteers, that occationally add information.
  • Budget: Private budget from the founder. The only expense is the web-site, which costs 247 kr. a year.
  • Lacks: Volunteers




























  • E-mail:
  • Contact Person: Britt Rasmussen
  • Phone: + 45 30951419
  • Web-page: You are here
  • Address: No office



Help AID E

  • You can work whenever, and as much, as you like on something that interests you.
  • You can help locals find local assistance, if it is available, or if it is not; it can be noticed.
  • You can help support the development of aid, that is based on more informed knowledge about who works where and on what.



  • The Charity Review is the Danish page (see here). TCR and Aid E are exactly the same. TCR is just focused on Danish offers of assistance.


Past Activities

  • Developed the concept in 2005
  • Asked for assistance with professiors and public institutions, Wikipedia, Google etc in 2006
  • Tried to establish partnership with Frise 2007
  • Did research on comparability with EU and UN in 2007
  • Told about the project to the Master students of Development & International Relations at Aalborg University in 2006, 2008 and 2009
  • Had an internet survey on need for aid-e 2009
  • Tried to establish partnership with Familie- og Beskæftigelsesforvaltningen
  • Applied for funds to develop the site: Tips og Lotto, Landdistrikspuljen at Aalborg Kommune, Den Obelske Fond og Velux fonden (nothing came of it) 2007 to 2010
  • General Assembly of TCR association in Nov. 2009
  • Workshops in 2009 and 2010
  • Info meeting 2010
  • Invited all NGOs in Aalborg to register 2010
  • Web-site development at Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) 2011
  • Did research of orphanages in Rwanda 2011
  • General Assembly Nov 2011 + info and debate
  • Worked intensively on the Rwanda page 2012
  • Tried to cooperate with Aalborg Frivillighus 2011
  • Event on children in DRC as a topic Feb 2012
  • Postings on and Frivilligjob for volunteers 2012
  • Got many volunteers from mostly Denmark and Rwanda 2012 - 14
  • Handed out leaflets and information at the public library in Aalborg 2013 for an event.
  • Put up flyers and tried to talk to teachers at local it universities to get volunteer assistance
  • Did Pecha Kucha (Feb. 2014)
  • Applied again for den Obelske Familiefond - again a no (March 2014).

No Copyright - Sharing is more important � 2012 Aid Evaluator.