Aid Areas

  • We need volunteers to help us add information and relevant people.

    We want it to be clear:

    • where people can get help
    • what are the main problems
    • Who does what to help where
  • This page aims to show the aid organizations, clubs or associations which help people locally.

    Volunteers are needed to help find and add invested volunteers, who cares about making aid easy to find and understand in their local area. or within a topic. 


  • A volunteer coordinator is needed for Sierra Leone. 

    A volunteer coordinator would need to find engaged and trustworthy volunteers for each area, who would then be in charge of listing organizations helping in their area.

  • This page aims to show the aid organizations, clubs or associations which help people.

    Volunteers are needed to help find and add invested volunteers, who cares about making aid easy to find and understand in their local area or within a topic. 

  • Siden her skal gerne liste al tilgængelig hjælp i Silkeborg

    Kan man finde en frivillig fra Silkeborg til at administrer denne side? Det kræver at man prøver at finde alle steder der yder hjælp til andre, klubber, foreninger, organisationer osv. Desuden skal nogle foreninger have hjælp til at oprette deres profiler, de fleste skal dog blot sendes en invitation.

    Siden vil kunne bruges så folk let kan finde den nærmeste hjælp men også så i lokalt kan se og stemme om hvilke problemer der er i Læsø og så andre kan se hvad i slås med i Silkeborg.

  • This page aims to show the aid organizations, clubs or associations which help people locally.

    Volunteers are needed to help find and add invested volunteers, who cares about making aid easy to find and understand in their local area or within a topic. 

  • A volunteer coordinator is needed for Singapore. 

    A volunteer coordinator would need to find engaged and trustworthy volunteers for each area, who would then be in charge of listing organizations helping in their area.

  • This page aims to show who helps locally

    Volunteers are needed to help find and add invested volunteers, who cares about making aid easy to find and understand in their local area or within a topic.

  • A volunteer is needed to help list all available aid in Sirte.

  • Volunteers are needet to enter information on-line on who gives help
