Aid Organization
DACAAR - Dansk Komité for Bistand til Afghanske Flygtninge
They employ about 1000 local afghans in projects ensuring clean water, agriculture, entreprenuership, specific grant projects such as their current project where they help 462.000 people get access to clean water and sanitation.
Location: Copenhagen - København
Area Aided: Afghanistan
Year the Charity Started: 1984
Organization Extent: International - Small (operates in or aids 1-2 countries)
Religious Affiliation: No Religious Affiliation
Number of Employees: 1 000
Development Partners:
Sponsorships: None listed.
Major Donors or Sponsors: 2021-2023 4,4 millioner euro from ECHO
In Kind:
Aid Focus: Development, Agriculture, Food Security, Income Generation, Vocational Training, Water & Sanitation
Financial Charts
No Services listed.