Aid Organization
Elsk Aalborg
Elsk Aalborg er et, eller opdelt i 2 projekter startet af Aalborg Valgmenighed. Formålet er, at engagere mennesker i at elske Aalborg, så byens indbyggere bliver mere hjælpsomme, mere gæstfri og mere venlige over for hinanden – på tværs af indkomst, bopæl, alder, hudfarve, religion og uddannelse.
Location: Aalborg
Area Aided: Aalborg
Year the Charity Started:
Organization Extent: Local - Medium (operates in just one country but in 3-5 places)
Religious Affiliation: Christian Denomination
Number of Employees: 3
Development Partners: Partner with other organizations or agencies
Sponsorships: None listed.
Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.
In Kind:
Aid Focus: Community Development, Education & Capacity Building, Refugees & Integration, Elderly, Youth