Aid Organization

KFUKs Sociale Arbejde i København

KFUKs (Kristelig Forening for Unge Kvinder) Sociale Arbejde er hovedorganisation for en række tilbud, væresteder og projekter, med fælles kristen vision og strategi om at hjælpe mennesker, der har brug for det. KFUKs Sociale Arbejde driver væreste­der, herberger og boliger, behandlings-, resociali­serings – og rekreationssteder samt andre aktivi­teter. 



Direct Aid: We provide direct assistance to new individuals (criteria for recipients may apply).

Location: Copenhagen - København

Area Aided: Copenhagen - København

Year the Charity Started: 1883

Organization Extent: Local - Big (operates in just one country but in more than 5 places)

Religious Affiliation: Christian Denomination

Number of Employees: None or not entered.

Development Partners:

Other Close Partners:

Sponsorships: None listed.

Major Donors or Sponsors: None listed.


In Kind:

Aid Focus: Homeless, Exposed People, Women, Youth, Rights and Protection, Violence and Abuse

Financial Charts

Accounting year: not entered
Financial data not made public.
Financial data not made public.