Rusizi district borders DRC and it is know for Nyungwe Forest and the animal life there. There are 18 sectors or Imirenge: Bugarama, Butare, Bweyeye, Gikundamvura, Gashonga, Giheke, Gihundwe, Gitambi, Kamembe, Muganza, Mururu, Nkanka, Nkombo, Nkungu, Nyakabuye, Nyakarenzo, Nzahaha, Rwimbogo. Problems varies in the different areas from poverty, lack of jobs, lack of water and occational influx of refugees from DRC.
- CARITAS (Several districts)
Works with many vulnerable populations, esp. youth and women, in Rusizi District. One of the current side projects is a group of HIV positive and and/or vulnerable women that weave baskets to sell to generate income.
- FAMILY HEALTH INTERNATIONAL - FHI 360 (Several districts)
Learning organic farming techniques boosts nutrition and economic security of people living with HIV.
See more about FHI 360 in Rwanda here
- GARUKA CENTRE (incomplete)
Helps street children by providing them school materials, school fees etc. It also gives goats to their family in order to improve their living condition.
See more about Garuka in Rwanda here
- GWINO IWACU (Rusizi)
Helps handicapped, disabled, and vulnerable people.
- HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL Action Nord Sud (Several districts)
Works on serveral projects assisting handicapped, disabled, and vulnerable people. They also deal with PTS, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence, awarenessraising etc.
See more about Action Nord Sud Handicap International in Rwanda here
This is a new organization thats located in the village of Nkanka, about an 1.5 hour walk from Kamembe. This
organization works with vulnerable children and mothers and widows making crafts, doing education, and starting to train in agriculture.
The earthquake of 2008 destroyed a lot of the foundation/buildings and they are still trying to find funding to help rebuild. Its a Catholique Orphanage and is run by an order of nuns.
- PEACE CORPS (Many districts)
There are several volunteers in Rusizi working on projects, such as Rwanda Aid's programme for Street Children: BAHO NEZA UMWANA
- The Rural Development Interdiocesan Service - RDIS
See their web-page
- RWANDA AID (Rusizi)
Works on serveral projects assisting handicapped, disabled, and vulnerable people. They also deal with PTS, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence, awarenessraising etc.
See more about Rwanda Aid here
- Rwanda Association des Enfants et Jeunes Travailluers de Rusizi - AEJTR (Kamembe, Rusizi)
AEJTR/RCYWA helps homeless children and youth in Rusizi and offers scholarships and teaches trades to the youth.
See more about AEJTR in Rwanda here
Is assisting capacity building of Rusizi Children and Youth Workers Association (RCYWA)
- VSO (Many districts)
There are a couple VSO volunteers who work in Rusizi District (one at a Teacher Trainer Center, one with Rwanda Aid)